After building a project, like an app or website, “shipping” is publishing & sharing it online.
Students in many traditional computer science classes are lucky to make a single project. At Hack Clubs, every member makes & ships their first website their very first meeting.
Instead of learning programming concepts in isolation, learning by shipping means you focus on what you need to build real projects. It’s more fun & leads to better learning.
day #GQU39BB50| of #C045S4393CY| I made it so the deepseek api finally connects to and provides an output, with that my sock project is done and i will do my juice project starting tommorow and will rsvp again. will ship and you should check it out in #C0M8PUPU6| and i made this with @Shree
:neodog_box: Arf, arf, wrrf, wrrrf!!! :neocat_box: Meow, mrrow, mrow Do you get parcels from a random place called hack club and want to see what's on the way and its status? eh, maybe not. But I do, and I don't like going to the shipment viewer because it's outside slack, i need to put in my email, get a link, annoying on mobile, ugghhh. (joking, it's a great site :) ) But what if you didn't have to do that? What if... it was in Slack. Introducing @PostPuppy ! Visit the app home to see all your packages just like you would on the shipment viewer. you can even opt to get notified when the status changes. oh, and if the email you use for slack is the same that you get mail to, it'll auto sign you in! (If you use a different email, you can open settings, enter an email and get a verification link sent to you) :neodog_melt_happy: you can open the app home to try it out here :) :neodog_aww: ty to nora for letting me auto sign ppl in! want the code? check out
I made a productivity based IOS app; It's intended to create a sense of urgency and competition while gamifying the studying process. It allows for users to compete globally on study times, track their own, and eventually use the points in an in-game shop system; I made it in React-Native and included a bunch of features so check it out if you're interested, link below; I'm planning to ship a bunch more updates
Currently /hcb org
and /hcb balance
are supported at the moment but will port more features of @AdrianT 's @HCBTransactionFetch for Discord usage in the future, just I am currently being cooked at school rn.
shipped golinkctl
just in time for #C087S82MNFR|: it's a small CLI for managing your links in Deno runtime /
Today I added the last few significant "things" to the game (the stuff worth mentioning). I added a win screen, an option to mute the volume on the main menu, some warning messages on the main menu, and an icon for the window and the executable file (though that isn't visible on the recording). I also made a quick soundtrack for the menu and main levels (I just need one more). Next is finishing off the media for the game (trailer, itch page, etc) and then I can release/ship it!🎉 (the game is called Defblade, not paperworld btw).
Today i began web development on the flask server for my ship. here is the current state of the page its not hooked up to the live data. The Styling is almost complete i just have to upload the logo.
Just shipped for #C07H1R2PW9W|: a Ghost blog hosted on #C056WDR3MQR| -
I might be cooking lately for the #C07H1R2PW9W| website revamp with mkdocs-material
, but you can easily email the crew (currently myself) and find help articles through the Help Scout Beacon widget on the website. Here's a preview from my phone:
I made a boilerplate for next.js devs to save time on setting up projects involving next-auth. • Next.j • Tailwind • Prisma • Next-auth • Sqlite
are you addicted to slack? :heavysob: take santa's test to find out!! you have to answer 15 questions and you have to pick the right reaction to a message, like: "i just spent an hour reading confessions posts" would you react :ultrafastparrot: or :oneeyesob:? play here! also if you have suggestions for more questions pls tell me :prayge:. btw the answers are all just my opinion and im not rlly an expert :heavysob::heavysob::heavysob:
today i started codeboard, my prototype for a platform that lets you go from idea to ship as fast as possible. it's my first time using react, so development is slow, but i should have the homepage done by christmas (hopefully?).
Ahh! Almost done with my first ship and yes here's the :leek: of my first ship (I posted after a very very long time :heavysob: )
Today I'm very excited to gain 33 doubloons, my first few doubloons from my Periodic table project ship!
I should be able to add the last category tonight and ship before tomorrow 🙃 Although a lot if itch occurs getting the right images to ensure consistency and similar layout
Day 7: made sure everything works with my main screen, implemented the final scenes Just need to make everything a lil better and then ship it!
Started a new project, finished the rule explication, started coding the JS file :melting_face: I hope I'll ship it within 3 days 🥲
Today i deployed which is a graph map thingy of all the personal channels who consented to letting me map there neighbors (and the neighbors of consented channels).
Day 4 of thanksgiving special scrapes.I am still working on the Ship-GUI fixing on improving stuff and fixing errors as of now
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